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Getting a Second Opinion

Second Opinions provided by in Annapolis, MD at

Close up of woman's teeth getting a second opinion at Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry in Annapolis, MDGetting a second opinion from another dental expert is always recommended, especially before undergoing a major dental procedure. We always understand that you are making crucial health decisions about your dental health and want to ensure you are confident before agreeing to a treatment procedure. Our clinic at Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry always advocates for a second opinion to help save money and time.

Some of the reasons you can consider a second opinion include:

Expert Dental Opinion

All patients have the right to get a second opinion, and you have the right to decline any treatment recommendations. We always accept second opinions regarding any dental work. You can approach us when you decide you want a second opinion. We can recommend alternative treatment methods or recommend specialists who can help you.

After you choose our services, we will perform a complete examination of your mouth, check if treatment is necessary, and investigate why you need a second opinion. After completing the examination, we will review the findings and discuss any recommendations with you.

Save Money

Seeking a second opinion can save money as we recommend alternative treatment options. If your initial diagnosis suggests an expensive procedure, whether it is dental implants or any other, looking for a second opinion will help to confirm whether the treatment is necessary.

If we agree with the initial diagnosis, it shows that the procedure is justified. We can also suggest a less expensive option to save you unnecessary costs. Also, a second opinion will reveal treatment alternatives that your dental insurance can cover. By choosing these options, you can reduce up-front costs. This will help ensure that the opinion aligns with the needs of your insurance coverage and prevent any unexpected financial burdens.

Save Time

Getting a second opinion helps to ensure an accurate and efficient diagnosis. If you have concerns about the original diagnosis, you can seek our opinion to expedite your diagnosis process. This will prevent any delays that can occur when receiving the right treatment. We can also offer a different perspective that can be implemented efficiently. This will help you receive crucial care promptly, which minimizes waiting times and prevents complications. Our primary goal is to ensure you get optimum dental care.

Prevents Unnecessary Procedures

Some procedures are not necessary or can be delayed. A second opinion helps to identify such procedures. This will save you resources and time and ensure you are not subjected to unnecessary treatment. You can focus more on crucial interventions for your oral needs.

Seeking a second opinion is crucial when you have an unclear diagnosis or must undergo high-risk procedures. Even when making major treatment decisions or noting discrepancies in your treatment recommendations, opting for a second opinion is always wise. You can always seek a second opinion in our dental clinic at Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry. Doing so gives you peace of mind and helps you to evaluate available treatment options.

If you wish to talk to us directly, ensure that you contact us at (410) 266-7645 for detailed information.

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133 Defense Highway STE 210
Annapolis, MD 21401


(410) 266-7645


(410) 266-7645


Monday: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Tue - Thu: 8:30am to 5:00pm

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Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401, (410) 266-7645,, 3/13/2025, Page Terms:dental implants annapolis,