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Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry
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Jaw and Gum Resorption
Annapolis, MD

Jaw and Gum Resorption Treatment provided by in Annapolis, MD at

Diagram of jaw resorption examples at Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry.When a person has a single tooth or multiple missing teeth, it causes a decrease in stimulation to the jaw bone. No stimulation and no blood flow result in a type of bone loss called resorption.

What is Jaw and Gum Resorption?

Resorption is what happens when bone in the jaw is no longer alive and healthy. The body essentially thinks there is no need for this material because there are no teeth present in that area that need a blood supply. Over time, the bone will shrink and reabsorb back into the body. When this occurs, your facial structure is impacted significantly because there is not enough supporting bone. Your face will collapse inward and cause you to look prematurely aged.

How We Stop Jaw and Gum Resorption

Even if you have previously been told that you are not a candidate for dental implants because of bone loss or resorption, that might not be true. We can build up supporting bone structure with bone grafting and stop the resorption process altogether. We can help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

Call us today at (410) 266-7645 to learn more or for a complimentary consultation, to explore your treatment options.

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(410) 266-7645


(410) 266-7645


Monday: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Tue - Thu: 8:30am to 5:00pm

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Jaw and Gum Resorption | Annapolis Specialist for Restoring Your Oral Health | Djawdan Center for Dental Implants & Restorative Dentistry
Concerned about jaw and gum resorption? Our Annapolis specialist provides personalized treatments to restore your oral health and preserve your smile. Find out more here!
Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401, (410) 266-7645,, 2/11/2025, Related Terms: Dental Implants Annapolis MD,