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IV Sedation
Annapolis, MD

IV Sedation provided by in Annapolis, MD at

IV sedation in dental exam room with x-ray imageAt Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, we offer a range of sedation options specific to the work being done. For more involved surgical treatments, IV sedation may be best for you. Reducing pain, and helping our patients feel at ease during treatment is important, and we can help.

We can provide medication directly to the bloodstream through IV; in fact Dr. Kian Djawdan is the only general dentist in Annapolis with the current licensing and anesthesia training to perform IV sedation in dental procedures.

What is IV Sedation?

IV Sedation is an option we offer for pain free treatment. It is not the same as general anesthesia, we are not medically inducing sleep. Dr. Kian Djawdan is able to deliver anti-anxiety pain medication directly into your bloodstream for fast and effective results. It will not force sleep on you, but many patients find that they become so relaxed that sleep comes easily. In addition, patients often find their time in the chair to pass quickly with only vague memories of being there. IV Sedation is a form of conscious sedation.

IV Sedation is used for more involved procedures including the surgical insertion of dental implants, the removal of impacted teeth and other types of oral surgery.

IV Sedation Benefits

There are many benefits that come from having treatment done with IV Sedation, including:
•  Fast Results: Typical oral medication takes time to process and absorb, having your medication directed through your bloodstream means you can feel the effects with much more immediate results.
•  More Work Can Be Completed: With IV Sedation, you are calmer and more relaxed, so we can get more work done in one visit. Time in the chair can become uneasy for patients, and we take that into consideration, so if we can remove that uncomfortable feeling, we can work longer.
•  Amnesic state: The sedation medication we use will not force sleep, but it has been demonstrated to induce a sort of amnesic state, meaning you will have little memory of the procedure because you are so relaxed.
•  Pain and Stress Free: There are a lot of feelings of anxiety that come with dental work, we understand, and we can help. We also do not want our patients to feel pain or stress. IV Sedation relieves pain and removes feelings of stress.

How is IV Sedation Administered?

Before we begin treatment, we will discuss all medical information including medications that are currently being taken and any adverse reactions that you are aware of. There is more than one type of medication that we can use, and we will find the right one for you. Please make sure that we are aware of any drug or alcohol use, as it can alter our approach.

The first step is taking your blood pressure as a precautionary step. The area is then cleaned and we will apply a numbing cream where the needle will be inserted. IV Sedation is administered through the use of a thin needle that we will place in your hand or arm. This needle has a thin tube that is connected to a bag of an medication that we prescribe. The results will be swift, and your pulse and oxygen levels will be monitored through the duration of use.

We will not allow patients to drive following sedation with an IV, so please make arrangements to have a family member or friend drive you home. You will also need to plan on not returning to work, or continuing normal activities for the remainder of the day. We will provide you with other post-surgical instructions as needed depending on your procedure.

To learn more about IV sedation or other sedation options for oral surgery, contact our office at (410) 266-7645.

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133 Defense Highway STE 210
Annapolis, MD 21401


(410) 266-7645


(410) 266-7645


Monday: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Tue - Thu: 8:30am to 5:00pm

Copyright © 2019-2025 Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
IV Sedation - Annapolis, MD • Djawdan Center
At the Djawdan Center, we offer several sedation options for your dental implant or complex dental procedure, including safe and certified IV sedation.
Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401 • (410) 266-7645 • • 3/3/2025 • Associated Words: Dental Implants Annapolis MD •