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Tooth Extraction
Annapolis, MD

Tooth Extraction provided by in Annapolis, MD at

3D rendering of a tooth extraction at Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry in Annapolis, MDTooth decay, crowding, and tooth infection may require your teeth to be removed. Tooth extraction can help prevent misalignments by creating space for the healthy growth of teeth and gums. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy may require the extraction of decayed teeth to maintain oral health during recovery.

Tooth extraction is typically an outpatient procedure. The process is fast and painless, but that depends on the patient and the complexity of their condition. Easy-to-reach, visible teeth are easier to remove, while wisdom teeth extraction is more complicated. Our Annapolis dental specialist can discuss treatment options suitable for your lifestyle.

Preparing for Tooth Extraction

Before the tooth extraction procedure, the patient will visit our dentist for an initial consultation. The consultation process starts with a thorough review of your medical history. The medication the patient is currently taking will also be evaluated.

Some over-the-counter drugs can have adverse effects during the recovery after the tooth removal procedure. Dental patients may also need to take medication to strengthen the bone a few days before the procedure. Additional medication may be provided on the day of the surgery. X-rays are often taken before the procedure to determine the shape of the jaw and oral cavity. By locating the tooth's position precisely, it is feasible to prescribe an effective oral surgery to remove the tooth.

Same-day tooth extraction is possible for a simple tooth removal process. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and in such cases, you will regain consciousness in the dentist's chair.

The whole process may take an hour or two to complete. You will not have to return to the dentist's office after the procedure. The consultation and oral surgery are completed on the same day. It is convenient when you require an emergency tooth extraction.

If the tooth is visible, it may only require rocking with a specialized dental appliance until it dislodges from the socket. However, inaccessible teeth like impacted wisdom teeth will need a more extensive surgical process. More complex procedures may be completed under general anesthesia.

The Process of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Removing the wisdom teeth may vary depending on the complexity of the tooth impaction. Horizontal impaction is when the tooth erupts at a right angle, lying on its side. It exerts pressure on the surrounding teeth and may cause pain and discomfort.

The tooth may be challenging to locate, given its unusual angle. The x-rays from the initial consultation are essential for determining the best process for extraction. Vertical impaction happens when the tooth emerges upright but fails to break through the gum line and jawbone. It often does not require extraction since the tooth is in the correct position. Our dentist may suggest removal if it exerts undue pressure on the underside of the molars as it emerges.

Distal impaction is when the tooth erupts at an angle facing the back of the mouth. Depending on the inclination, it may not eventually emerge without causing complications. Our dentist may suggest waiting one or two years before removing the wisdom tooth. Distal impaction is the rarest type of an impacted wisdom tooth.

Surgical procedures for wisdom tooth removal can be done under general anesthesia. It will take the patient more time to regain consciousness and you may wake up in a recovery room. You can ask our dental specialist what type of anesthesia they will administer for your procedure.

After you regain consciousness, you will need some time to recover before you can go home. Our dental team recommends having a designated driver take you home after the procedure. The effects of general anesthesia may last for hours, and it may not be safe to drive until it wears off completely.

After Care Process for Tooth Extraction

After the procedure, you will receive instructions on how to care for your mouth to reduce the risk of complications. Mild bleeding is not unusual one or two days after the extraction. Gauze is placed on top of the tooth's socket. You will be directed on how to use it and replace it to avoid an infection.

Our dental specialists will guide you on how to keep your teeth clean during the first week of recovery. There is a risk of developing a dry socket where the wound is exposed. A dry socket can increase the recovery period, increasing the risk of complications.

Patients with a dry socket may experience pain that radiates through the jaw, mouth, and ear. A dry socket is most likely to occur within the first three days of the procedure. The dental hygiene instructions you receive after the procedure are crucial for preventing such complications.

You must avoid brushing your teeth within the first three days of the extraction or as instructed by our dental team. Disturbing the blood clot will cause bleeding and swelling. You may resume brushing after the second or third day. However, you must avoid touching the site and concentrate on cleaning the rest of the teeth for at least one week. Rinsing vigorously and using a straw should be avoided within the first three days. Gently swish the water around the mouth and let the water fall out without spitting it out. Any undue pressure can damage the stitches and open the wound.

You may have to adjust your daily habits to reduce the risk of swelling or infections. Smoking can make you more susceptible to gum disease and complications during recovery.

A balanced diet with vitamins and minerals is recommended to boost your immune system. Hard and sugary foods should be replaced with liquid and soft foods to avoid disturbing the extraction site.

It is common for patients to experience varying levels of discomfort immediately after recovery. Pain-relief medication is often administered to manage the pain. Our dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the progress of your recovery. Adhering to your dental appointments can help identify issues before they become complicated to treat.

Schedule a Tooth Extraction Today!

You can talk to our dental team at Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry for questions about the tooth extraction process. Contact our dental team at (410) 266-7645 to schedule an appointment today!

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Monday: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Tue - Thu: 8:30am to 5:00pm

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Tooth Extraction - Annapolis, MD • Djawdan Center
Looking to get any teeth extracted from a trusted dental specialist in Annapolis? Our reliable dental experts, Dr. Djawdan & Dr. Cross, and our team are here to help!
Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401 \ (410) 266-7645 \ \ 2/10/2025 \ Tags: Dental Implants Annapolis MD \