Celebrating 30 years of Trustworthy Expertise, Dr. Kian Djawdan is a Board Certified Implantologist and considered an expert in implant dentistry.
Can Full Mouth Implants Be Done in One Day?
Posted on 5/18/2021 by Kian Djawdan DMD
Is it too good to be true? Read on to find out our take on implants restored in one visit!
We often get this question from patients who have seen the Clear Choice commercials and they are right to be skeptical. The answer is yes; we can remove the remaining teeth and immediately place four or more dental implants in key positions to support a temporary version of your new smile in one day.
Why do we deliver a temporary and not the permanent implant supported prosthetic? Some swelling of the gums is to be expected after dental surgery. Over the next two to six weeks, that swelling will go down, leaving a gap between the gums and the bridge. The tissue will also be changing as it is healing and will decrease in size as well. If we were to fabricate the permanent bridge to deliver on the day of surgery, the patient would be left with a permanent gap in between the prosthetic and the gums. This is not as much a problem with a lower bridge, but if there is a gap between the gums and the upper bridge, patients will experience air passing between the gums and upper bridge, causing vibration of the upper lip when speaking and difficulty saying words that begin with S and TH.
We have several patients who see ads for ‘permanent teeth in one day’ and come to us for a second opinion because they are skeptical. Once we determine that a patient is a candidate for the All-On-4 approach, we can explain to them why we execute our process the way that we do. It is not that a permanent, same-day prosthetic cannot be done, but rather there are better ways to approach the process that end up leaving the patient happier in the end. Once we share with them that delivering a permanent implant supported bridge at the time of surgery can leave them with speech challenges, they quickly realize that route may not be the best for them. Many patients end up choosing to have treatment in our office over other implant centers because they like Dr. Djawdan’s personalized approach paired with his experience to receive the best possible outcome.
Interested in seeing what options you may have for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile? Call us at 443-569-8764 to schedule a consultation appointment!
Dental Blog - Annapolis, MD • Djawdan Center Dr. Kian Djawdan has created this informative blog to help educate the community. Click to read out latest blog posts. Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401 ~ (443) 569-8764 ~ smileannapolis.com ~ 9/14/2024 ~ Page Phrases: Dental Implants Annapolis MD ~