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Celebrating 30 years of Trustworthy Expertise, Dr. Kian Djawdan is a Board Certified Implantologist and considered an expert in implant dentistry.

Does Chewing Gum Build Jaw Bone?

Posted on 5/15/2024 by Kian Djawdan DMD
boy chewing bubble gumEven without relying on any scientific backing, you can understand the association between chewing gum and the effects on your jawline. The effects are the same as those you would get when you squeeze a stress ball to strengthen your hand muscles.

The same happens with your jaw muscles. The muscles in your jaw are responsible for chewing, and increasing your chewing through gum can increase the use of these muscles. Eventually, your jaw muscles will be stronger. A 2018 study indicated that chewing gum, even for five minutes twice every day, can significantly strengthen your bite force.

The Relationship Between Chewing Gum and Your Jawline

The longer you chew gum, the better the results. This association is considered similar to lifting weights regularly. Weight lifting is a gym exercise that builds and sculpts your muscles. Chewing gum can help your jaw muscles grow, creating a larger jawline.

As you grow older, your bones constantly reshape themselves using specific cells in the body. This occurrence lends significant credit to the popular opinion that chewing gum builds your jawbone. You can also build your jawbones by chewing on foods that require significant bite force, but you do not have to chew on very hard foods because you might break some of your teeth.

Ways Chewing Gum Can Be Detrimental to Your Overall Oral Health

Many people understand that chewing gum is also for the pleasure of enjoying the sweetness that comes with it. You will rarely find people buying and enjoying tasteless gum. Unfortunately, gums that have sugars can affect your teeth by promoting the presence of bacteria around your teeth. Slowly, the habit will become the reason you have to visit your dentist regularly to sort out issues like gum disease and tooth infection.

If you want to build your jawbone by chewing gum, you should choose sugarless chewing gum. You can find several options for these healthy chewing gums in retail outlets. This way, you can build your jawbone while keeping your teeth safe from dental problems.

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Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401, (443) 569-8764,, 9/15/2024, Tags: Dental Implants Annapolis MD,