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Oral Surgery for Tongue Tie Release

Posted on 2/2/2024 by Weo Admin
Child sticking out her tongue.A frenectomy is a surgical solution addressing conditions like lip-tie or tongue-tie, seeking to enhance the range of motion of the tongue or aid in the closure of interdental gaps. This oral surgery procedure is a straightforward intervention with several advantages. Beyond its primary focus on correcting restrictive frenula, a frenectomy encompasses a diverse array of positive outcomes for individuals seeking improved oral functionality and aesthetics.

What Does the Surgery Entail?

This procedure involves the skilled manipulation or incision of a frenum, essentially the connective tissue linking two distinct areas. Within the oral cavity, your frenum connects the lips to the gums or tethers the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

When a frenum is excessively short or tight, it has the potential to give rise to oral health complications and can adversely affect speech. In infants, this condition may lead to challenges during breastfeeding and swallowing, posing hurdles to essential early developmental processes.

Who Requires This Surgery?

While frequently associated with addressing feeding difficulties and speech concerns in infants, frenectomies also emerge as a crucial intervention for adults facing specific oral health challenges. In certain instances, a very tight frenum can exert such tension that it causes the gums to recede. Opting for a frenectomy frees the constricting band of connective tissue. This surgery mitigates the risk of undesirable gaps and serves as a preventive measure against issues like gum recession and other oral health complications. The versatility of frenectomies extends beyond infancy, highlighting its essential role in preserving oral health and promoting the overall well-being of individuals across various life stages.

When Should the Frenectomy Be Performed?

The timing of frenectomies is dependent upon individual circumstances. For infants, the procedure can be conducted at any time, often within a few weeks after birth, and causes minimal discomfort. The optimal timing for a frenectomy is a collaborative decision guided by our healthcare providers, considering the unique factors of each case. We play a pivotal role in assessing and determining the most suitable timeframe for a frenectomy. This personalized approach ensures that the intervention is timely and attuned to the individual needs, fostering a comprehensive and tailored healthcare experience.
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Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry, 133 Defense Highway STE 210, Annapolis, MD 21401 | (410) 266-7645 | | 2/9/2025 | Page Phrases: Dental Implants Annapolis MD |