Celebrating 30 years of Trustworthy Expertise, Dr. Kian Djawdan is a Board Certified Implantologist and considered an expert in implant dentistry.
What Should I Do If My Tooth Is Infected?
Posted on 6/19/2023 by Kian Djawdan DMD
You may be used to living with a bit of pain every once in a while. Perhaps you overdid your workout routine in the gym or stretched too far in a Pilates class. If you are used to your teeth being pain-free, and suddenly, you are experiencing severe pain, it is time to call the dentist. Pain is one of your body's most significant warning signs that there is something wrong with you. If you are experiencing significant mouth pain, you may have an infected tooth.
Why Should I Worry About Tooth Infections?
You should not ignore a suspected tooth infection. That's because a tooth infection is like other infections in your body. The infection can get worse and spread to other areas. Tooth infections can eventually cause problems with your heart, sinuses, and even your brain. Tooth infections can also lead to tooth loss if the infection continues to grow.
Signs of a Tooth Infection
There are several warning signs you may have an infected tooth. Of course, pain is one indicator of a tooth infection, but there are others. Depending on how severe your tooth infection is, you may have a fever, and the area where the infection may be red or swollen. You may also notice that you have a lump or a bump in your mouth around a particular tooth. You might have bad breath, or you may notice you have a bad taste in your mouth.
What Can I Do?
Are you worried that you have a tooth infection? Your first step needs to be to make a phone call to the dentist. The earlier you get a tooth infection treated, the less likely you are to suffer ill effects from an infection. While you are waiting for your appointment, try and treat some of the symptoms of your pain. You can rinse your mouth out with salt water and apply ice to the swollen area of your mouth. Don't eat hard-to-chew foods and try and chew food away from your infected tooth. If the pain and fever become worse, go to an emergency dental clinic. Once you get your infection treated, you'll be back to pain-free chewing quickly.
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