Occasionally, all four wisdom teeth grow naturally and create no complications. Wisdom teeth, however, frequently erupt at an angle or become wholly or partially impacted in the jawbone or under the gum tissue. This flaw can result in a variety of issues. Impacted teeth can also be asymptomatic— meaning they may not cause any problems. Dentists recommend getting them extracted, too, as a preventative measure for any future distresses.
What happens when you visit a dentist for a wisdom teeth examination?
Our oral surgeon or a dentist can examine your teeth and mouth to see if you've impacted wisdom teeth or are suffering from another condition. Most examinations involve oral health and general well-being evaluations and dental inspections. During this process, the dentist examines the gums and the teeth. X-rays of the mouth will indicate impacted teeth and tooth or bone deterioration signs.
What is the procedure for wisdom teeth extraction?
For a consultation, the dentist will recommend you to an oral surgeon. The surgeon will examine the health of your wisdom teeth and take dental X-rays to pinpoint their exact position during the session. They'll also talk to you about sedative alternatives.
Our surgeon will use a local anesthetic to numb the teeth and gums to counter pain during the dental procedure. Afterward, the surgeon will make incisions to reveal impacted wisdom teeth (teeth locked in the gums or bone), allowing your surgeon enough clearance. Once the wisdom teeth are accessible, the dental surgeon gently loosens and pulls them from their sockets, cleans the regions, and sutures them. The stitches will usually fall out on their own within a few days.
Extraction is an outpatient procedure. It is an uncomfortable procedure with some light bleeding and swelling. After the extraction, our dentist will prescribe some medication and advise you on wisdom teeth management for quick and healthy recovery.
Contact us now and book your appointment for quality wisdom teeth management and extraction.
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