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Is Anesthesia important while having implant dentistry

Posted on 1/9/2023 by Kian Djawdan DMD
Is Anesthesia important while having implant dentistryDental implants are one of the most effective treatments when you have missing or lost teeth. After you lose your tooth after an extraction or injury, our dentist will recommend you get an implant because of the various benefits they bring. For instance, they help to safeguard the integrity of your jawbone. Teeth are important elements in the strength of your jawbone, and missing a tooth or teeth can lead to you losing bone tissue. Dental implants act as your natural tooth and, with the titanium-based screw well into your jaw.

Many people who wish to get dental implants, do not know the whole process. Our dentist will take you through of what will happen during the procedure. One of this will be whether you require anesthesia during the treatment.

Do you require anesthesia?

Anesthesia is important during implant dentistry because it helps in pain management. When getting an implant, it requires the dentist to cut into your gum, and place the screw which will then act as the root of your natural tooth. The titanium rod needs to be into your gums to offer a firm foundation upon which your replacement tooth will rest.

The process can be painful and therefore your dentist will have to ensure that you get an anesthetic to help you deal with the whole treatment.

Deciding between Local and General Anesthetic

Whether you get a local or general anesthetic largely depends on the type of dental implants you will be getting. For instance, if you are getting one or two implants, then a local anesthetic will be enough to numb the part of the jaw where the dentist will be working on. However, if you will require bone graft surgery that involves getting bone tissue from one part of your body, to add to your jawbone, then the dentists will have you on general anesthetic.

Visit us at the clinic to get your dental implants to achieve optimal oral wellness. Our dentists will take your through the requirements to ensure you are comfortable when you come for the treatment.
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