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Signs of Maxillofacial Cancer

Posted on 12/1/2023 by Weo Admin
Red ribbon for bringing awareness to oral cancerPeople often mistake maxillofacial cancer with common problems like a cold or toothache. The cancer impacts the tongue, lips, floor of the mouth, sinuses, cheeks, throat, and palate. Without proper treatment, maxillofacial cancer can spread rapidly to various areas in the head and neck.

Maxillofacial cancer can be treated if discovered early. However, many people get diagnosed too late for effective treatment. Regular dental check-ups can help detect any problems in your mouth. Common signs of maxillofacial cancer include:

Lips and Mouth Sores

Maxillofacial cancer symptoms can include mouth and lip ulcers that will not stop bleeding. You may also encounter rough patches on the lips, gums, and mouth. Some people experience unexplained numbness and pain in the mouth, face, and neck. Others may lack feeling in the face. Another maxillofacial sign is swelling in the jaw that can affect dentures or their fit.

Speech Problems

Mouth or throat cancer can change your voice. It might become quieter, husky, or like you have a constant cold. You may also slur words or have difficulty pronouncing some sounds.

Swallowing Difficulty

Mouth cancer can make one experience a lot of pain as they chew and swallow food. You may feel like your food is stuck in your throat. Also, it can narrow the food pipe (esophagus), making it hard to swallow.

White or Red Patches On the Gum and Tongue

Many oral cancer patients develop red or white spots in their mouth, throat, and tonsils. This can lead to a sore throat and difficulty in moving your tongue or jaw. These patches might occur due to a fungal infection called thrush. These white patches usually vanish with antifungal treatment. If they disappear, they are not linked to cancer. If they do not go away, they may turn into cancer.

Swelling in the Neck

A lump in the neck might be due to a swollen lymph node. This is common in mouth and oropharyngeal cancer. A painful, red lump is usually a sign of infection and not cancer. Cancerous lumps usually grow slowly and do not come and go. You can reach us anytime for any questions about oral cancer.
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